Saturday, September 12, 2009

there's something to say

that i can't remember,
so lets cheap talk

my french class yesterday was, as you'd say, magnificent.
i miss grey's anatomy, i was thinking these days, it's the first season i'll have to wait weeks to watch a fresh episode. sometimes it's good, when you have cable and everithing, like my relationship with gilmore, but have to wait, and then downloading it, i'm not really excited about it.

have i told you about the gringas i had to talk to in a store these days?, remeber me later

i think i'm still in love with mischa barton, thats because she's so delicate and because of marissa

about marissa:
why do i love marissa, even though shes boring and stressing?

1. because shes boring and stressing, and no main carachter is like that, so that makes her unique, (just the same reason why i prefer ryan than seth).
2. beacas i pity her. all the crap happens to her, and then she dies, and u know how passionate i am about those izzie-girls.
3. her name is the coolest (not a very good reason because summer is a very nice and funny name)
4. she's vulnerable, and thats touching
5. shes the girl i'd fal in love with

kisses from etc.

big PS.:
Look at this and laugh till you drop:
Does Serena reminds you of marissa?
And Blair to Summer? (Identical in the shot)
And Dan to Seth?
And Nate to Ryan? (Too much ths one)
And Lily To Kirsten?
Dan's father to Sandy?
Kaitlin to Jenny? (the trouble sis)
Chuck to Luke? (Even though one is good loking but definitely not the other)

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